We have been kept quite busy since our arrival. The Albanian Peace Corps staff has been incredible. I feel lucky to be working with such a prepared and engaged staff during this Pre-Service Training (PST) period. We are officially Peace Corps Trainees now...if all goes well, all 50 of us will fulfill our requirements to swear in as official Peace Corps volunteers on May 27th. Cross your fingers!
One of my favorite parts of PST so far has been the language and culture trainings. I am so glad I started to learn Albanian before I arrived because the lessons move so quickly. I have to say that I have never been in a language class with such effective teaching methods. I have always heard that Peace Corps language programs were quite reputable. So, I am valuing this opportunity to experience it first hand. They use a combination or repetition, student led activities, songs, and short assignments. I have learned that greetings are one of the most important parts of interacting with people in Albanian culture. Good morning is miremengjes, good day is miredita, good evening is mirembrema, and finally good night is naten e mire. It has been quite entertaining to watch all of us say these greetings to both the Peace Corps staff and to the hotel staff here. Tonight, we were able to learn a traditional Albanian circle dance. It was so much fun and I truly hope we get to do this as frequently as possible. We were also able to walk around Elbasan during our breaks and I would like to share the incredible view I get to see each day with you.
We are leaving Elbasan tomorrow afternoon to go live with our host families. I have always thought that meeting them would be one of the most nerve-wracking experiences I would have as Peace Corps Volunteer (PCV). Surprisingly, I'm pretty calm and collected about it right now because I realize they are my immediate insight into the culture, language, and my ultimate experience. Also, I have come to accept the fact that it is going to be especially awkward at first because they wont be speaking English, and I can only ask them how they are so many times before it becomes disruptive. I know my host family lives in Belesh (pronounced Belsh) which is about 28 km from Elbasan. The description I was given of the town says it is an ancient residence near a beautiful lake. Unfortunately, the lake's ecosystem is being damaged because of pollution and general lack of policies which protect the environment (not to mention inability to regulate the regulations). They also said there was an ancient temple to Athena where residents threw gifts, including dishes, into the lake. I will be the first volunteer to live with this family during PST which I think poses more of an opportunity than a challenge. I will be excited to share more information about living with my host family. While living there, we will come back to Elbasan a couple of times each week in order to have training sessions as a whole group. PST proves to be rigorous, but I know it will prepare me for my two year service.
Hope all is well at home. Love and miss you.
Everything sounds AMAZING!!!! I'm so excited for you! I'm sure your host family will love you as much as we all love you here. Thanks for the insights in the training, they are very helpful for hopefully "future" volunteers. Can't wait to read your next journal entry.
ReplyDeleteMuch love!